
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Waterbrook Melange Noir 2008

This wine is a perfect example of how spending a bit more on wine isn't always a safe bet. This also creates a big disappointment as well because you spend that extra bit on your wine and you get something lack luster or even bad.

There was nothing great about this wine. When wines are blended, the wine is normally at least interesting even if not tasty. This wine was 100% boring. It had a light basic wine bouquet. The taste was short and basic with no finish to speak of.  In plainer terms, this was like drinking watered down wine. There was some variety in the taste as all wines (even the worst) will have. There was nothing undrinkable about this wine and no unpleasant taste, but there was nothing exciting or enjoyable about it either. That is what I look for in a wine. I truthfully wouldn't even cook with this wine because I am not sure it would really add that much flavor to the dish.

If someone serves you this wine or gifts it to you, don't worry you won't spit it back out, but don't expect an interesting blend with different flavors and finishes.  It's just a wine.


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