
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Copa di Vino Pinot Grigio Single Serving

I saw these cute little guys at a Binny's and they were giving out free samples. These are single 4oz servings of wines. I tried the reisling and what quite pleased so I bought another reisling, cabernet sauvignon, and this pinot grigio.  Well, this pinot is terrible.  It is bitingly acidic.  The flavor is dull on top of that.  The reisling is ok and fairly enjoyable, but this was not.  I could drink this wine if I had to to be polite, but I hope no one would serve this to me out of politeness.

I sure hope the Cab is going to be better than this.  For $3, go to a Trader Joe's and get a bottle of Charles Schawb or spend $5 more on a Columbia Crest or such. The single serving idea is great, but obviously has a way to go before it can serve a wide variety of tasty wine. Truthfully I doubt that it will ever become a top notch wine because anyone that really enjoys a wine, will want a full bottle of it.

Oh well, it was worth a shot and that is what this blog is about. I truthfully I hope I come across just as many bad wines as I do good so I can save people the disappointment of opening up a bad bottle of wine.


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